Fire up the Furnace! Keep the kids warm this winter!

Success! With the generosity of more donations and a surprise $2,000 from the Order of Eagles, we have made it 100% to our furnace fundraising goal!! Thank you everyone. Pictured here is our secretary Sarina accepting a donation from Dave Harper of the Order of Eagles, Port Alberni. Our original goal was $7500.00. With the amount raised on InvestLocalBC and donations from other sources that goal quickly began to drop and in December we were down to needing only $3500.00. And now we start the new year with our new furnace. Once again, thank-you everyone.




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  • admin December 12, 2014

    FURNACE UPDATE!! We only need $3300 to meet our goal!!
    Thank-you, Craig Summers Executive Director of the Port Alberni Association for Community. Here presenting a donation of $500 to Susan Fox towards the furnace fundraiser! This donation comes from their very own Association for Community Living Foundation. Our two organizations work so closely to provide special needs services…this truly like “neighbors helping neighbors”. Thank you so much!!